Perfect practice makes perfect

Hey there again! Today I want to present you a special vidoe that help you to improve your public speaking skills.

We can observe lots of info ans resources in th Internet which can help us to develop our public speaking skills and practise our speeches to overcome our fears.
I've watched some videos and read some tips on different websites and one of the resources caught my attention.
Well, you can watch it here.

You may ask: why should I watch it? My arguments for it:

1. I guess it's really important when the speaker catches your attention and doesn't make you bored. So this man is an amazing speaker, as for me. He uses gestures, varies his voice, shows his natural emotions. All in all, you won't turn off the video in the first minute!

2. Moreover, Ian (the speaker) uses very interesting technique. It's improvisation. He says that all public speakers often feel uncomfortable with the unknown. And it's vital to learn how to overcome this fear. His three phases practice of public speaking will be in handy, I promise!

3. And finally, I like the theory of muscle memory. Yo should watch the vidoe to know what it is and how helpful it is for public speakers.

Thank you for the attention! Enjoy the video and leave your comments below!



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