It's time to "speak up" #10
Here we go again! Let's continue to observe the evaluation of my groupmates' speeches.


Next up is
Nastya! She continued Sasha’s speech (they had the same topic)
1. Introduction
- What technique(s) was used in
the introduction?
The speaker used the technique
"Giving a quotation".
- Any link-element?
Yes. The
link element was given.
- Was the thesis statement
“So, kinesic component of speech delivery is difficult
to overestimate. That’s why today I would like to speak about our body language
while we are speaking. Well, we’ll find out: 1) When is the right time to move
and how to do it effectively 2) How to keep an arms and hands free to gesture
3) How to keep face expressive"
- How effective was the
Very effective
10, 9, 8
7, 6, 5
Not effective
4, 3, 2, 1
Max 10 pts
2. Body
· - How well structured was the
information presented?
Highly organized
10, 9, 8
Some organized
7, 6, 5, 4
3, 2, 1
- What organizational structure
was used in the body of the speech?
The speaker
used outlining. It was main headings, supporting materials and some details.
· - How understandable was the
information (was it clearly explained)?
Very good
10, 9, 8
Had some problems
7, 6, 5, 4
Had major problems
3, 2, 1
· - Quality of point-support
(appropriateness, completeness, variety)
Lots of
10, 9, 8
7, 6, 5, 4
Almost no
3, 2, 1
· - Use of facts, illustrations,
examples, stories.
Lots of
10, 9, 8
7, 6, 5
4, 3, 2, 1
· - Was it coherent?
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Max 10 pts
3. Conclusion
· - What technique(s) was used in
the conclusion?
She summed up all the points
· - Were all the steps followed
(summary, action, emotional appeal?)
Yes, all the steps were followed.
· - How effective was the
I liked it a lot!
Very effective
10, 9, 8
7, 6, 5
Not effective
4, 3, 2, 1
Max 10 pts
Total points: 30
Given points: ____23
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