It's time to "speak up" #9
Hey there! I'm glad to write to you again. Hope you were waiting for my new posts!
Let's start this week with evaluation's posts. Traditionally I'm going to evaluate my groupmates' speeches which were given on the previous week.

Today I'd like to start with Alexandra's speech.
Let's start this week with evaluation's posts. Traditionally I'm going to evaluate my groupmates' speeches which were given on the previous week.
Today I'd like to start with Alexandra's speech.
1. Introduction
- What technique(s) was used in
the introduction?
The speaker used the technique
"Giving a quotation" and and also she used rhetorical
- Any link-element?
"Through the use of eye contact, body
posture, gestures, and facial display, you enhance your message and invite your
audience to give their serious attention to it, and to you. You can control
this visual factor by learning how to manage your body in front of the audience."
- Was the thesis statement
Today we are going to talk about Approaching the speaker’s
platform; Maintaining eye contact; Good posture.
- How effective was the
Very effective
10, 9, 8
7, 6, 5
Not effective
4, 3, 2, 1
Max 10 pts
2. Body
· - How well structured was the
information presented?
Highly organized
10, 9, 8
Some organized
7, 6, 5, 4
3, 2, 1
- What organizational structure
was used in the body of the speech?
The speaker
used outlining. It was main headings, supporting materials and some details.
Also the speech had a lot of transitions and signposts which showed how all the
parts of speech went together. It helped me
a lot!
- How understandable was the
information (was it clearly explained)?
Very good
10, 9, 8
Had some problems
7, 6, 5, 4
Had major problems
3, 2, 1
· - Quality of point-support
(appropriateness, completeness, variety)
Lots of
10, 9, 8
7, 6, 5, 4
Almost no
3, 2, 1
· - Use of facts, illustrations,
examples, stories.
Lots of
10, 9, 8
7, 6, 5
4, 3, 2, 1
· - Was it coherent?
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Max 10 pts
3. Conclusion
· - What technique(s) was used in
the conclusion?
It was a quotation by Anne Parillau “Body language is
essential, just to be free, to use it like your voice. A body can be small and
have incredible violence. A body talks.”
- Were all the steps followed
(summary, action, emotional appeal?)
yes, all the steps were followed.
· - How effective was the
Very effective
10, 9, 8
7, 6, 5
Not effective
4, 3, 2, 1
Max 10 pts
| |
Total points: 30
Given points: ____27
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