My sixth challenge
Hello, my readers! It's time for my next challenge! Do you want to hear the story?

Have you ever felt timid and shy to speak to someone on the phone? What if it is a person that works in a company and you need to make an order? What is the challenge? Probably, you think that call a pizza-delivery and make an order is way too easy, but don’t rush into things, because I need to ask the worker if they sell masks and antiseptic.
So my challenge is to call pizza delivery and ask if they deliver medical masks and antiseptic with pizza.
Not that easy anymore, right?
Even though I was pretty nervous I dialed the number of the local delivery and started to wait for an answer. The girl with a cute voice picked up and was ready to take my order. I said that I needed double-cheesed peperoni and a bottle of coke. And after she told me the price I said that I also need a medical mask and antiseptic. And to my amazement the girl said okay. The mask coasted me one hundred rubles and the antiseptic coasted me two hundreds. I thanked her and started to wait for my order to arrive. It took courier one hour and I got my mask and antiseptic.
It wasn’t hard after all, but still I was nervous. The question about masks in a pizza delivery was odd for me, but now I know where to get one if I ever need them.
That was my challenge and I’m glad that I accomplished it. And got a tasty pizza as well.
What do you think about this challenge? Let me know in the comments down below!
Have you ever felt timid and shy to speak to someone on the phone? What if it is a person that works in a company and you need to make an order? What is the challenge? Probably, you think that call a pizza-delivery and make an order is way too easy, but don’t rush into things, because I need to ask the worker if they sell masks and antiseptic.
So my challenge is to call pizza delivery and ask if they deliver medical masks and antiseptic with pizza.
Not that easy anymore, right?
Even though I was pretty nervous I dialed the number of the local delivery and started to wait for an answer. The girl with a cute voice picked up and was ready to take my order. I said that I needed double-cheesed peperoni and a bottle of coke. And after she told me the price I said that I also need a medical mask and antiseptic. And to my amazement the girl said okay. The mask coasted me one hundred rubles and the antiseptic coasted me two hundreds. I thanked her and started to wait for my order to arrive. It took courier one hour and I got my mask and antiseptic.
It wasn’t hard after all, but still I was nervous. The question about masks in a pizza delivery was odd for me, but now I know where to get one if I ever need them.
That was my challenge and I’m glad that I accomplished it. And got a tasty pizza as well.
What do you think about this challenge? Let me know in the comments down below!
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