Social Psychology. Part 12
Hello, guys! The new week has come so it's time for new posts! Let's start this spring week with traditional Social Psychology course! Hope you've already watched all lectures and completed your test with perfect results!

Well, the lectures of the twelfth week are dedicated to the topic of intergroup relations. You'll learn all things about it. Actually, this issue is helpful and informative for people who works in team or just for students. There we have seven lectures that are full of detailed information about the intergroup relations. Firstly, you'll learn the basic. It's the psychology of the intergroup relations. Then you'll deep into the conflict in such a kind of relations. There are lectures about indicators of intergroup conflict and its reasons. And the last vidoe, which is the most useful, as for me, is dedicated to the improvement of the intergroup relations.
And the last task for this course is a test as always. So here you can see my results. Some of the topics were a bit difficult for me, so I rewatched some lectures twice.
That's it for Social Psychology. See ya!

Well, the lectures of the twelfth week are dedicated to the topic of intergroup relations. You'll learn all things about it. Actually, this issue is helpful and informative for people who works in team or just for students. There we have seven lectures that are full of detailed information about the intergroup relations. Firstly, you'll learn the basic. It's the psychology of the intergroup relations. Then you'll deep into the conflict in such a kind of relations. There are lectures about indicators of intergroup conflict and its reasons. And the last vidoe, which is the most useful, as for me, is dedicated to the improvement of the intergroup relations.
And the last task for this course is a test as always. So here you can see my results. Some of the topics were a bit difficult for me, so I rewatched some lectures twice.
That's it for Social Psychology. See ya!
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